Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy is centered on three key elements: Value, Belonging, and Competency. As a scientist, I believe life has intrinsic Value and all living organisms are interconnected. This is true for all plants, animals, fungi, and microorganisms, and it is also true for everyone in a classroom. The acknowledgment of value in ourselves and in others leads to a classroom where Belonging is a shared reality. Finally, a good teacher is not only competent in their discipline but guides students to achieving that same Competency. One of my objectives is to help students understand science as a process. This goes beyond mastering the scientific method. Each class - lecture, lab, or discussion-based - is a chance to explore science as a valid approach to reality.
- Science Communication (Instructor of record)
- Intro to Biology Lab & Discussion (Teaching Assistant and Guest Lecturer)
- Animal Behavior (Guest Lecturer)
- Restoration Ecology (Guest Lecturer)